Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Harsh Truth



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    Randi & I are walking through the South Pointe Hotel & Casino. We’re here for “The Amaz!ng Meeting” like every year. He says: Vegas is built on the backs of losers. He doesn’t mean it as a qualitative damnation of people. He means it as a statement of fact. Vegas is possible by people who…

  • Life Is Sales



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    You have to sell yourself on the idea that your life can change. You have to sell yourself on the idea that you can have the life you want. You have to sell yourself on the idea that you’re worth it. All of this has to happen, first, before anyone else can buy into your…

  • Heading To Vegas



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    This weekend I’m helping a company that’s exhibiting at a trade show. I’m in their booth with three jobs to do: In other words: I’m gonna be their big blue screamin’ monkey. I’ve been working with them for a couple months to understand what makes them so great, how they help their clients, and what…

  • 5 pillars of 21st century thriving



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    Solopreneur. Creativeprenuer. One person business model. Everybody has a different name for it, so that means I have to, right? Here’s my shot: 👉 “Life mastery business: get paid for being who you are.” Not bad, right? But how do you actually make it work? There are five core elements that I’ll be talking about more…

  • For The Artists

    For The Artists



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    Want to sell more art? Be more interesting! This is the advice I’ve given dozens of artists over the years who ask me how they can sell more of their artwork. Why? Imagine you’re at a street fair and you see some art that you kind of like. You catch the eye of the artist…

  • People are buying your story



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    View in browser Want to sell more art? Be more interesting! This is the advice I’ve given dozens of artists over the years who ask me how they can sell more of their artwork. Why? Imagine you’re at a street fair and you see some art that you kind of like. You catch the eye of…

  • More mind bending media



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    An email by any other name…I’ve called it the “Secret Email Society.” The “Life Mastery Business Update.” The “Jonny Zavant Fan Club.” But nothing felt right. Until now. Welcome to “Brain Candy.” My intent is to share interesting ideas, tips, tricks, stories from the road, etc that are all focused around applied psychology & helping…

  • The Nurse From Transylvania County



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    Sounds like a black and white horror movie, right?  Unfortunately, it was real life.I set up a life insurance policy, and part of the process was getting checked out by a nurse.Turns out that they make house calls instead of making you go to an office somewhere.Wayyyyyy better.She shows up right on time and she…

  • Heyoooooo



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    You made it! Thank you so much for your vote of confidence, and for inviting me into your (already busy) inbox. That means the world to me. In order for us to both have a great time together, would you add this email (hello @ jonathan pritchard . me) as a contact? That way we’ll…

  • First returned contact



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    Here it is. Jonathan Pritchard founder: ZAVANT enterprises Asheville, NC | LinkedIn ᐧ