Life Is Sales



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You have to sell yourself on the idea that your life can change.

You have to sell yourself on the idea that you can have the life you want.

You have to sell yourself on the idea that you’re worth it.

All of this has to happen, first, before anyone else can buy into your dream.

And that’s what sales is: helping someone else share the same vision as you.

Most people don’t know how to do that. They’re stuck in the same way of thinking. The same way of doing things. The same way of ‘just getting by.’

That’s why I’m so passionate about understanding the psychology of why people decide to change, how they think about doing it, why they buy, what motivates them, and more.

Once you unlock that fundamental secret, then you can help people make incredible changes.

That’s what I’m thinking about this morning as I’m waiting on my flight to Vegas.

How about you? What’s the biggest idea that you’ve sold yourself on? What’s the biggest deal you’ve closed (for yourself or with someone else; could be both!)?

Success starts in the mind & works its way out into the world from there.

That’s why I am 1000% convinced that founders, engineers, managers, introverts, extraverts, and everyone between would benefit from learning sales.

What do you think?

Best thoughts,

PS: I’m thinking of dialing the emails back to twice a week. Once to let you know about the new video/topic, and the second as an article like this talking about psychology, life, & business. That means they’d be longer vs a more bite-size note like this. What do you think?

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