Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Asheville Devastation

    Asheville Devastation



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    Last week a massive storm decimated the Asheville area. I live by the Asheville airport and we lost power / cell / internet for 8 days. We were trapped in our development for several days before folks could hacked at them with chainsaws. At that point we had to drive over downed power lines, queue…

  • It’s ALIVE!

    It’s ALIVE!



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    The book has been approved, and the listing is now active! Get your copy here. That means you can go buy a copy to read, a copy to give to your friends, and one copy for your grandkids in mint condition. Also, once you’re done, if you could give to a solid review with your…

  • My New Book Is SO CLOSE



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    This screenshot means we are no farther than 72 hours away from my new book becoming a reality! If you are in the highly lucrative world of enterprise level sales, then this will be a HUGE help. If you’ve never thought about sales, then this is required reading. The system I lay out in this…

  • Mr Beast Document Leak



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    If you’ve never heard of “Mr. Beast,” he’s the world’s best YouTuber. He makes insane videos that nobody else in the world could possibly pull off. He is easily in a league of his own with nobody as a close second. Recently an internal document went public. It’s his “new employee” orientation / how we…

  • New Book Out Soon!



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    A couple years ago I worked with a top-two digital marketing agency & helped them land 20% more revenue in a single year with 2/3 as many sales people! I taught them my mentalism-based sales system, and it helped transform someone with zero experience (their new hire) into one of the top salespeople at the…

  • What’s Going On?



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    There are about a bazillion irons in a variety of bon fires, so I wanted to keep you in the loop in case any of these sound interesting to you. Books I’m currently writing several books. One is the first book in a four book series that explains my sales system in exacting detail. It…

  • What Makes Entertainment Engaging & How To Bring It Into Your Work

    What Makes Entertainment Engaging & How To Bring It Into Your Work



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    You’ve seen less of me here, but my output has dramatically increased on the back end. I’m writing a book about sales skills for people who don’t want to feel gross about it. (Looking at you, creatives!) I’m writing a book about how to plan more successful trade shows & potentially get 2-5x as much…

  • Too Intimidated To Make A Website?

    Too Intimidated To Make A Website?



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    First you should offer something that people want to buy. Some service, good, experience, or whatever. An immediate next step is to have a website that can do all the hard work of educating & converting potential clients. But I get it. Websites are complicated. There are so many options. It’s too challenging & confusing.…

  • Powerful Lessons From A Lifelong Creator

    Powerful Lessons From A Lifelong Creator



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    I’m 41 years old. My first paid “art commission” was drawing Snake Eyes in 4th grade, 32 years ago. (I was paid $0.50.) My first paid performance was at age 13. I got $200 to do an hour of magic tricks at a company’s summer picnic. Since those times, I’ve traveled the world for giant…

  • Are You A Creator?

    Are You A Creator?



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    I’m currently running a poll on LinkedIn that asks people whether they’re a creator or not. So far I have a handful of responses, and I’m already intrigued by the answers. Mainly because my definition of “creator” is much broader than most, I think. When you think of “creator” do you think about someone who…