
If you’re tired of being ignored, these emails are for you.

You have great ideas but nobody listens. You know you’re worth so much more, but you never get that raise. No matter how hard you try, your prospects go with the other guys (who aren’t nearly as good).

👆This is business without persuasion. Let’s fix that.

You’ll get the most out of these emails if you are a service provider, freelancer, coach, business owner, speaker, performer, or corporate wage slave who wants out.

Every weekday you’ll get an email with a note, story, or technique that will help you play the game on easy mode.

They’re short. To the point. And you can use it right away.

But, be warned: DO NOT sign up if you’re going to sit back and do nothing. These are only for people who would rather do what works than pick their bellybutton lint.

Also, if you subscribe to any other business or influence-focused newsletters, this one will make them redundant. Do yourself a favor and uninvite them from your inbox.

I’m so excited for you; everything is about to change. You’ll discover the power of the 7 step persuasion formula. You’ll understand the marketing science of creating a “gravity well” for your clients. We’ll even talk about cutting edge technology and how to use it to level up.

Drop your email in & transform you life right now. 👇

Oh, and when you sign up, you’ll also get access to my tool list. I make tons of videos, I write articles, I write books, I travel non-stop, etc and I keep an up-to-date list of my most useful programs, apps, cameras, lights, and everything else. It’s perfect for anyone who understands the power of being your own personal media company. And it’s yours, free.