Category: Persuasive Professional

  • Your own personal mind reader: An Invitation

    Your own personal mind reader: An Invitation



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    Would you bet against a poker player who knew exactly what cards were in your hand while you knew nothing of theirs? Would you negotiate against someone who knew all of your secrets, knew everything about your business, and what you were most worried about? In short; would you want to challenge a mind reader?…

  • Ducklings, Ping Pong Balls, and Pricing

    Ducklings, Ping Pong Balls, and Pricing



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    A One Act Play Them: How much is it going to cost? Me: Have you ever heard about new-born ducks thinking a ping-pong ball is their mother? Them: What are you talking about?! Me: Yeah, it’s super weird. Ducklings are programmed to believe the first thing it sees is its mother. It’s called imprinting. Turns…

  • What Is Applied Psychology? [this one is important]

    What Is Applied Psychology? [this one is important]



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    When people ask me how mentalism works (Are you psychic? Are you for real? Is this is a gift you were born with? Is this a skill anyone can learn?) I like to tell them: It’s a unique recipe of applied psychology, showmanship, and moxie. ~Jonathan Pritchard Now, I’m not going to breakdown everything there;…

  • Putting It All Together

    Putting It All Together



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    At the heart of my work is helping people transform their life. That’s what I call “Life Alchemy Technology.” There’s a simple & effective art/science to changing what is into what could be. That’s the most powerful magic in the universe. Then there’s being a persuasive professional. No matter what job you have, or what…

  • You’re not prepared

    You’re not prepared



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    You can see all the photos in the world. You can talk to people who have been there & done that. You can read a thousand first-hand accounts that describe how the wind picks up and the temperature drops. How birds go quiet and everything goes still. How the light takes on a silvery vibrance…

  • With A Little Help From Your Friends

    With A Little Help From Your Friends



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    This week we’ve been talking about how to think about huge opportunities and the competing strategies of keeping the best for last vs starting with the best to ensure you stay in the [metaphorical & literal] competition. Yesterday I strongly advised you to start with the best and give yourself the best shot at winning…

  • Now What Do I Do?

    Now What Do I Do?



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    That’s the fear at the heart of leading with your best. Because it’s bad both ways. For most people, that’s enough justification to never try anything at all. You might think of it as perfectionism or procrastination, but it’s just fear at the end of the day. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the antidote. Best thoughts,~Jonathan…

  • Lead With The Best

    Lead With The Best



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    Yesterday we talked a little bit about how to decide what to share when you are starting to put yourself out there. Do I keep the good stuff until I have an audience? Or do I share it when nobody will ever see it? In order to make it clear how/why it’s smart to always…

  • Avoid The Specialty Spiral

    Avoid The Specialty Spiral



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    You think, “I’ll save this for a special occasion!” so you wait to drink the champaign, use the fine china, or whatever it is that you’re saving for later. Then a special occasion comes along and you think, “I’ve been waiting so long, this doesn’t feel special enough.” And suddenly you’re in a “specialty spiral”…

  • Sell With Meaning

    Sell With Meaning



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    Person 1: “Would you look at these numbers?!”Person 2: “I am. Are those good numbers, or are they bad?” Data tells what’s happening. Emotions tell why it matters. Combine both for impact. In the example we can see that data, by itself, does nothing to help someone understand the point you’re trying to make. You…