You’re not prepared



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You can see all the photos in the world. You can talk to people who have been there & done that. You can read a thousand first-hand accounts that describe how the wind picks up and the temperature drops. How birds go quiet and everything goes still. How the light takes on a silvery vibrance that makes everything hyper real.

But you still won’t be ready.

You can know exactly where it’s going to happen. You can know down to the second what time it’ll happen.

And you still won’t be ready.

This is how I felt witnessing the total eclipse on Monday.

And it’s a great analogy for the difference that one experience makes in your life vs reading & thinking about it 1,000x.

The smallest action yields infinite more results than a world of contemplation.

If you want to accomplish more, do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, for the right people.

If you’d like to be reminded of this, you can buy the tshirt.

Or, if you’d like to accomplish more than you’ve ever imagined possible, you’d do well to have a coach who can help you see beyond your imaginary limitations. Fill out my application to see if we’d be a good fit!

Best thoughts,
~Jonathan “beyond your wildest imaginations” Pritchard

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