How Tough Is It To Explain Your Job?



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As the Digital Renaissance continues to transform the world, it’s more likely that AI & other technologies change the fundamental shape of what “work” looks like.

I was thinking about how dynamic & fast everything is advancing and it reminded me of an old idea I heard.

The more difficult it is to explain what you do for a living, the more you get paid.

Don’t know if that’s true in 100% of cases, but it’s a fun heuristic nonetheless.

Then I realized it’s probably a good sign that your job is safe from AI.

That made me laugh because I was chatting with a friend who told me that one of his friends was asking him what I did for a living, “Because he has his performing stuff, then he’s talking about Urbit? Then he’s talking about trade shows? Who is this guy? Does he ever sleep?”

And for me it’s all the same thing: I’m curious about how people tick & using what I know in a variety of situations to help people make their vision happen.

Turns out that’s 1) valuable 2) in many industries 3) in many situations.

So, how about you? How challenging is it to explain what you do?

Best thoughts,

PS: Have you watched this week’s video that explains how to stop psyching yourself out in high stake situations by controlling your emotions?

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