Part Of Helping Others Is Protecting Yourself



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New video is up, and it’s mostly for freelancers, solopreneurs, side hustlers, and anyone else who might be up & running but not totally official yet.

That’s because there’s an important legal step that you can take to protect your name, your privacy, and your family.

It’s as simple as starting an LLC.

In the video I talk a little bit about what it is & then three big reasons why you’d want to found one even if you think you don’t need to.

I filmed it while driving to an engagement, so I would take a few moments at gas stations across the country. #exciting

Oh, and I’m curious: do you have an LLC? Do you want to start one?

Go leave a comment letting me know!

Best thoughts,

PS: I’ve listed more courses on my Institute of Applied Psychology platform. Sales, negotiation, presentation skills, and a couple others to help you secure your future & your family.

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