The Invisible Trade Show Gap

A recent statistic said that 40% of companies that exhibit at a trade show for the first time, don’t come back.

That really surprised me since I’ve seen client after client land millions of dollars in new business from show after show.

So, why would nearly half of all new exhibitors decide not to show up where thousands of their ideal opportunities are waiting on them?

The longer I thought about it, the more I saw an invisible trap that they fall into.

And here it is.

“Everyone is here to do business.”

That one idea all but guarantees that they will have a bad show.

And it doesn’t stop there.

They print out brochures. They prepare to demonstrate their software on iPads. They make sure they have rollup banners with their website on them.

And the invisible gap still remains.

How are you going to get people to stop at your booth to get your postcard, see your software demo, or hear about what you do?

Their answer is the result of this logic:

  1. Our sales team is outgoing.
  2. They are good at selling.
  3. Therefore they are the best people to have in the booth.

Have you planned a booth? Have you thought this way?

Tomorrow I’ll talk about why this is a hidden danger to your show.

Best thoughts,

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