Recommended Podcast

This morning I’m flying from Asheville to Philly.

I will have plenty of time to hurry up and wait which usually means that you’ll see me on Twitter even more than usual.

It also means that I’m going to be listening to podcasts, and that brings me to today’s synchronicity.

Today is the launch of Season 3 of “Taboo Science.

It’s the personal project of the host who did 1,000+ episodes of a show that got acquired by Discovery, so it’s no surprise I’m impressed by the quality of the whole thing from production value to the guests she gets and everything in between.

So, if you’d like to know the weird, dirty, and forbidden science things we don’t talk about in polite company then you have a lot of good listening ahead of you.

Give it a listen.

Best thoughts,

PS: Oh yeah, the host is my wife, so I might be biased. But I don’t think so!

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