Is This The Worst Trade Show Lead Getting Strategy? No, But It’s Close
The title kind of says it all. This is one of the most common strategies I see at trade shows. In fact, I saw it 4x walking around the most recent trade show I attended in under 10 minutes. So this is something that a lot of people are using to get more leads out…
Where Should We Put The Booth?
Trade Show Video! I took the opportunity to make a couple videos while I was out in Vegas for the IFA conference. This is the first one and it deals with one of the most common questions I get for my trade show consulting. There’s a simple answer that can get you 2x as much…
5 Pillars Of A Life Mastery Business
Here’s the quick rundown: Master these, and you’ll never go hungry again.
The Power Of Being A Connector
If you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, one person business owner, freelancer, or other kind of creative person then you might feel the need to know everything & do everything yourself. This is a limiting belief that keeps you trapped in a pressure cooker where you feel like a failure if you’re not doing enough. Fortunately…
5+1 Ways To Deliver More Value In Your Life Mastery Business
The one person business model can be frustrating to figure out. “How do I get paid more when it’s just me? I can’t add more hours to the day, so what do I do?” Here are five plus one things you can leverage to legitimize a higher quote. In fact, you might already be doing…
Life Mastery Business Insights From An Unlikely Source: Early 1900 Psychics
I recorded this video while sitting on the floor in the Amsterdam airport. It was the middle of the day but my body & mind thought it was 3am. Combine that with random people walking by and giving me thumbs up (which you’ll notice when I look up and nod) and you’ll have a pretty…
Vaudeville Secrets For The Internet Age
Back in the late 1800’s Vaudeville was the Hollywood of the entertainment world. Performers could have entire careers doing the same 12 minute act at thousands of theaters across the country. Until they couldn’t. Something devoured their career, and that thing is even more hungry in the internet age. If you know what it is…
Personal Branding Secrets From Millionaire Magicians
In the age of the internet, everyone is building a personal brand (whether or not they know it). It’s a smart move to take lessons from some of the most successful personal brands in all history: magicians. These guys build amazing wealth without the help of the internet, so there’s a lot we can learn…
Want to do Big Things in 2023?
The most effective personal management systems are too simple for anyone to believe they can work. This is exactly what I thought about this approach when I first heard about it years ago. Since then it has helped me start two businesses, appear on television, radio, 200+ podcasts, and many more accomplishments. If you’re looking…
7 Reasons To Start A YouTube Channel In 2023
This gets kinda meta. Last week my wife went on a 4 day work trip. As you may or may not know, we have a 6 month old kid; our first. This would be the first time that my wife was away from our daughter. That also meant that this would be the first time…